Once again we met my family in Tybee Island, of the coast of Savannah, GA for a week of sun and sand. We stayed in much more luxurious digs this year and I've got to say that I prefer the simple, (and less expensive) one story, traditional beach cottage of last year. This year there was a new baby to meet and some of my brother's in-laws joined us.
Not too far from much tonier Hilton Head, Tybee Island is beautiful, small and not over-built. Howeverm I was very disappointed when I went for a run on the beach one evening as the sun was setting and the tide was coming in and the entire beach was strewn with the refuse of that days beach-goers. These same pigs surely came to the beach for its beauty yet felt no responsibility of stewardship. I continue to be shocked by the cesspool of humanity that our culture has created. It made me want to retreat home, one of those few places left in the United States where the majority of people treat their environment with reverence.
Last snow of the season.....we hope.
We returned from Georgia to rotten weather. At least the snow was off the bike path and we could resume biking to school. I grabbed my camera on the way out of the house in hopes that I would be photoing the last, winter's snowfall. So far so good.
Lefty Shenanigan the Vanagon
I am considering this Tony's mid-life crisis purchase.
As May winds down the sun is out in force and so are we. We have been spending most days after school riding into Driggs and hanging out at Pendl's Bakery and then the Skateboard Park. We are trying to built our mileage for our bike trip to Vermont. Weekends have been spent back in Idaho Falls so I can spend as much time as possible with Ben since he will be leaving to attend University of Idaho in Moscow while I am at The Middlebury College Language Program this summer.