Thursday, January 17, 2008


#1 I hit 2,000 miles of bicycle commuting in St Louis on my odometer earlier this week. It is fitting that this occurred on the same day that Owen and I nearly got hit (once again) by an inattentive driver. I slammed on my brakes and Owen ran into the back of me and fell over in the road.

Fact: "No Turn on Red" stoplights create a dangerous situation at pedestrian crossings.

Why? Think like a driver: You are at a red light, in a hurry (that goes without saying actually), and there is no reason you should not be able to turn right on red at this intersection (according to your pea-brain) because a hundred opportunities to safely do so have presented themselves so far. "When is this stupid light going to turn green?", you say to yourself.

Unfortunately for anyone not encased in metal who is trying to cross same said intersection, the much anticipated moment of green light relief coincides with the flashing pedestrian-crossing- permitted sign. Near-disaster ensues in many instances.

Now I must be perfectly honest. I have become quite adept at recognizing the blank, empty look of non-recognition that is present on 80% of motorists I come across. By the way, that is a generous estimate. I am feeling charitable. I definitely recognized that look in aforementioned case. I warned Owen to stay directly behind me. I slammed on the brakes with much drama well out of the way of the turning motorist. But I scared the hell out of him and I was glad for it. Passive aggressive? Maybe a little.

#2 Warm, delicious, loafy perfection. I have been baking a loaf of bread every other day or so for the past 2 months on a quest to attain the perfect loaf of bread. It had eluded me thus far. Yesterday was my day. Uniform carmel color, crisp yet flaky crust, slightly chewy inside and aesthetically, it could easily have graced the cover of any cookbook and I would not have blushed. Ahhh yes, life's little pleasures.

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