Saturday morning we left at 8:30 am on our bikes with a promise of temps in the upper 50s and did not get home until 8:30 at night. We spent the day participating in very urbane sorts of activities. After a parent/teacher conference at Owen's school we rode around town doing errands: art store for b-day party gift, REI, Whole Foods for lunch. After dropping our booty off at the house we rode the length of Forest Park, something Tony had never done before, and then took the train from the Central West End into down town to check out the Home and Garden Show. Very anti-climatic. It was more a consumerism nightmare than anything else. I figured it would be all earthy and crunchy, a real tree-hugger's destination. Instead it was Ginzu knives and earth movers and 40K terrariums. It was held at the indoor football arena and was packed with vendors and buyers. Yikes. With all the walking, we did manage to work up an appetite and ate at the best Japanese restaurant I've experienced to date.
Forecast for Monday and rest of week? Winter snow mix with chance of 6 inch accumulation over night. Now the cup is back to half empty.
I like this layout much better. I can also show you how to widen it, if you want to. I widened mine because I thought the left content pane was too narrow.
Yesterday I got burnt in Jackson!! It was sunny and about 32. Blazing hot, by our standards. I tried to walk from Snow King to Cache Creek - hmm, there's like a bazillion new houses in the way. Were you aware of that?
Oh, your content pane is on the right. Either way. You can widen it if you edit the template directly.
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