Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Closing Weekend at Targhee

We were so looking forward to spending the final weekend at Targhee skiing yet so sad the season has come to an end. However, after skiing Saturday on crummy's spring for god's sake, what do you expect?...... the husband made the command decision (his words, not mine) that we would drive back to Idaho Falls on Sunday morning to partake in the spring-like weather.

In spite of the sub-optimal snow and taking my worst crash of the season, in which I attempted to slow down via virgin snow with an unseen layer of crust on top that brought my skis to a sudden halt but my personage continued according to Newton's Laws of Motion:

Every object (Wendy) persists in a state of rest or uniform motion (in this case extreme acceleration) in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.,

we had fun........That was a long sentence, however, grammatically I believe it works. But I could be wrong.

You will notice that in Idaho Falls it is much warmer. Same weekend as above photos!!

I already look forward to the 2010 season. The question is: Where will we hold a season's pass? OR Will we not have a season's pass because we will be basking on an island shore?----- Permit me to dream a little!

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