When people query as to Ben's whereabouts I am fond of saying that he gave us, his family, up for an extended Lent. His life is all about his friends and his independence. The moment we stepped back into the state of Idaho it was, "Adios familia, hasta entonces!"
"Don't you worry about him?", so many ask. Most are parent of young children. They have a few years before they realize what a silly question that is.
He seems to be happy in his abject poverty. Perhaps "happy" is not the correct word. Maybe he is just relieved to not be subject to parental tyranny anymore. And I believe that is how he truly views it. I wanted him to learn from my MANY mistakes but it just does not work like that.
So he is doing his senior year on his own. He has a job still, I think. He is a very successful couch surfer, so he has yet to feel the need to fork over the cash needed for a real apartment. People feed him. I buy him gift certificates at fast food joints. Good thing he is a cutey. Research says that good looking kids get away with a lot more than their less aesthetically gifted brethren.
He will be happy to share with you all of my parental transgressions but I think he is forgiving me for being me. He seems to miss me and calls me often. His dad is not so lucky. Tony is much more the level headed authority figure, yet Ben judges him much more harshly and forgives him at a glacial pace.
Next time you are at the Mall, stop by his work (booth outside of bookstore) and say hello. If you don't live in IF then give him a call and let him know you have not forgotten he exists. He will come around someday and not view us all as aliens. I promise.

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