Saturday, September 29, 2007

Shame on Yew, Dougie Few!

We are lucky enough to have a grocery store right behind our neighborhood. There are two ways we can arrive there from our house. Get in the car an go right on Yale Ave (0.30 mile), right on Delmar (0.33 mile) , right on Midland Blvd (0.43 mile), right on Vernon Ave and into the supermarket parking lot and locate a parking space (0.42 mile). ...for a total of 1.48 miles.


We can get on our bikes (or walk) and take the path right next to our house (0.07 mile) to the neighborhood behind ours, take a right down Pennsylvania Ave (0.17 mile), cross Vernon Ave and arrive at the bike rack in front of of the supermarket (0.08 mile)....for a total of 0.32 mile

On Friday morning I realized I did not have enough change for train fare so Tony volunteered to go to the grocery store to get milk and money. A half gallon of milk cost about the same as the fee the bank charges us for not getting an account here in MO so we always get cash at the grocery store. Well he grabbed the keys and started to go so I volunteered to go on my bike (hint, hint) if he wanted to take over lunch-making duties. He declined.

Owen came downstairs and wanted to know where dad was and I told on him. "HE DROVE? That's stupid" Yeah, well.....

So when Tony returned I asked him if he felt dirty. Our car wouldn't have budged in over a week if it weren't for him. He looked sheepish and mumbled something about it seeming so cold outside and being a wimp. But then he came around and said it WAS stupid and that he did, in fact, feel dirty.

Now, if only the rest of America could be cowed so easily progress could be realized. It IS shameful to get in one's car to drive less than a mile. Everyone should feel it. This global warming thing ain't a hoax people. It's not some ploy of the liberal media to dupe you republicans just for kicks. If everyone changes their habits just a little it may start to make a difference. Please.

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