Saturday, September 1, 2007

Last But Not Least: Hut to Hut: part II

August 18 and 19, 2007

This was our final trip of the summer so we were amped to have a good time. With two dogs and an Owen in tow be headed to Sun Valley to check out things on the west end of the proposed hut to hut route.

I had originally thought I would have part of the route and a hut located in the Sawtooths, but that will mean more bureaucratic red tape since this area is under the jurisdiction of a different forest service entity than the rest of the route. One good idea posed by none other than my husband is to offer an additional option of an epic day of single track in the Sawtooths to those intrepid few who want even more gratuitous torture. Perhaps I can cut a deal with a local inn or B&B in Sun Valley whereby for a set additional price, clients could stay and ride from there one day without having to carry any gear and have their meals catered. It would not be for the faint of heart mind you, since I could put together some 25-40 mile options that would blow the mind and the quads. There is even the possibility of a naked hot springs stop. Now, how much more is THAT worth?

S0 we started our mileage check in downtown Sun Valley. The climb out of the valley to the north is a great warm up for what is in store for the remainder of the trip. It is a nine mile climb but is not too difficult if you are in climbing shape and are use to the altitude. When we got to the top of the pass I discovered I had managed to shred a rear tire, not just get a flat, in my vehicle. The delay in realization was due to the roughness of the road, which was not quite as rough as I had supposed. Later the next day we would come across a group of kids further down this road who had done the exact same thing. After changing the tire, we headed straight to camp at the trail head of a section we wanted to hike to see if it would be a viable option on bike. And it was. Rideable but more difficult than the forest service roads. It follows little Falls Creek for a few miles to a steep climb over a ridge before hooking up with another trail off a tributary creek of the North Fork of the Big Lost River. Plenty of bathing options on hot summer days.

After finishing the route this is what I have: 205 miles starting and ending in Sun Valley, 4 major passes to climb, approximately 30 miles in between each cabin, single track options for additional mileage every day. Once Owen is back in school I will get the formal proposal written up and submitted to the Forest Service. From there, who knows how long it will take to shake out. Best case scenario would be summer 2009, I imagine. Next summer my dad and a friend from NH are coming out to ride it with me. Maybe my sister and Clay will come out as well, since they have both done hut to huts before and there feedback would be useful.

This was a great last night of camping in Idaho before heading to the BIG CITY, clear skies, shooting stars, great views of the constellations. Tony and I stayed up late taking it all in and regretting the end of summer. It would be fantastic to just spend a week based right there is riding and running trails in every direction....... Can't wait for 2008.

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